Robert R. Osborne known as “Uncle Bob” had a vision in the Sumner Township Community that his young family and neighbors would have a place to worship. In 1934 this dream came true when the small community of believers built their first building called “Osborne’s Chapel”. Tragically in 1943 the little building burned down by a painter’s rag being left to close to the stove. Immediately the neighbors seeing the loss of this building began giving monies to help rebuild. When the building was completed, the building was almost completely paid for and the name was changed to “Community Baptist Church.”
The church continued to grow and the congregation decided to add Sunday school class rooms and another chapel. On February 12, 1967 the new chapel was dedicated to the Lord. As the little congregation continued to grow, they erected a fellowship hall in the early 70’s that also allowed for more instructional classrooms. During these years the church decided take on missionaries over seas and currently CBC supports 19 full time missionaries and 9 retired missionary families. In 2003, CBC built a family life center which serves as classrooms, worship center, nursery, and sports complex. God is faithful to us because this is His nature and we give all thanks to Him who has “called us out of darkness into a marvelous light.”